A smart school reads to children

A smart school reads to children

In October 2014, our school started cooperation with the ABCXXI Foundation "All of Poland reads to children" through the participation of our institution in the "Wise school reads to children" program. The idea behind this program is to read to children every day for pleasure.

One of the points of the program is daily reading to students. According to the assumptions, primary school class teachers implement this point every day, devoting 10 – 15 minutes to the first lesson hour. On the other hand, the teachers of junior high school classes read during educational hours.

The person responsible for the implementation of the program is Mr. Kinga Biel, who supervises the preparation of celebrations, competitions as part of the action and runs the "Butterfly Reading Club", which meets every Friday at 12.30 in the school common room. During these meetings, books are read aloud, followed by art, movement or other games around the read text.

The teachers of our school conscientiously fulfill this task. They choose publications from the Golden List of Books of the Foundation or according to the possibilities and reading interests of students.

All of Poland Reads to Children is a social advertising campaign launched by the ABCXXI Foundation, aimed at promoting reading among young children and their parents. The aim of the campaign is to encourage parents, educators and other adults to read to children for at least 20 minutes every day. At the same time, the Foundation reminded about the need to control the quantity and quality of television programs and computer games, which in the life of an average child take up more and more time.

WORTH READING! Reading is an excellent form of contact with a child, a great way to meet his emotional needs. The child then listens to the voice involved in the reading of the parent or teacher, can observe his facial expressions and gestures. It is a great time to have fun and laugh together, but also to have conversations. Often, children ask questions to make sure that they understand the content of the book correctly, to know the meaning of words or to have associations with the topics discussed.

We invite everyone to visit the action page www.cpcd.pl