Semi-camp "Holiday scouts" 2017
All children are looking forward to their holidays; Parents, on the other hand, wonder how to provide their children with attractive, active and, above all, safe rest. Our school, in order to meet the expectations of parents, organizes for the second time for students a day camp "Holiday scouts 2017", which will take place
Time: 26.06.17r. – 07.07.17r.
For the organization of the day camp, the school obtained funds from the following sources:
– PZU Foundation
– Małopolski Bank Spółdzielczy in Wieliczka
– TOMA Budownictwo sp. z o.o. in Wieliczka
– STANGAZ Trade and Service Company in Wieliczka
We provide participants of the day camp with a varied and rich program – numerous trips, trips to the swimming pool, art, culinary, physical and therapeutic classes ( hippotherapy, music therapy and dog therapy), competitions and tasty meals. The program of the day camp has been designed to stimulate and develop children's physical activity, improve their skills and interests, as well as interest them in the immediate environment. We invite you to our website, where we will post reports from current events on an ongoing basis!
Prepared by: M. Majka