Morning circle

The morning circle is a method that we refer to as multisensory. It covers all the senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. The proposed interactions are to activate the senses in a different way for each season of the year in order to emphasize the changes taking place in nature. The natural world is a source of diverse stimuli. We associate each season with color, taste, image, smell, etc. The Morning Circle method assigns a different symbolism to each of the seasons. Here, the calendar imposes color, element, taste, smell, visual and auditory stimuli, room décor – everything – with which we plan to stimulate our pupils. Polysensory stimulation of the senses is the best way to transmit valuable information about what surrounds us,
And the best teaching aids are those taken from nature.
1. Lighting an aroma lamp (a different smell is assigned to each season).
2. A workaround with a children's circle light, mentioning names, paying attention to the features of fire.
3. Singing a welcome song in which the baby's name is mentioned and at the same time massaging the hand with scented oil (the smell of olive should be the same as the scented lamp).
4. A short story about a given time of the year, in which we can show various natural curiosities related to it (autumn – watching leaves and chestnuts, winter – watching snow, spring – watering grain in pots, summer – paying attention to high temperature).
5. Meeting with the element
– autumn (air) – blow dry leaves, blow children's hair, move fabrics on the walls and ceiling (a fan is very helpful).
– winter – we demonstrate liquid and solid water, children touch the ice, which is cold, slippery, cold and wet).
– spring – we rub the soil on children's hands, first it is wet, slippery and cold, and then warm, rough and fragile;
– summer – we light candles or lanterns, talk about fire and show its properties, at the end we pour water over the fire;
6. Demonstration of a musical instrument (played by the teacher and children).
7. Putting colorful scarves on children's heads (the color of the sling is consistent with the color of the season) – then the child himself (or with help) removes the scarf from the head.
8. Darkening the room (looking for children with a lamp, pronouncing their names, the child responds with the appropriate sound if possible: in autumn – "e"; in winter – "a", in spring – "o"; in summer – "i".
9. The use of taste stimuli (we give children food with the right taste: in autumn – honey, in winter – mint pastilles, in spring – lemon, in summer – sweet rose jam, remember
about hygiene and a separate spoon for each child!).
10. Extinguishing the aroma lamp

During the Morning Circle, the teacher must create an atmosphere that will bring a sense of security, joy and contentment, reduce uncertainty and danger. Then it will teach children concentration, openness and faith in their own abilities. The Morning Circle method is also valuable
For the reason that the form of classes is a group meeting that allows contact with peers. Children sit in a circle facing each other. The teacher approaches each child in turn
and performs the action together with him. The child is forced to wait for his turn, which allows him to receive the impressions of being with other charges, observing them in the same situation, in the same action, interest in their movements or facial expressions.
– Stimulation of visual perception
– Stimulation of auditory perception
– Stimulation of tactile perception
– Stimulation of olfactory perception
– Stimulation of taste perception
– Stimulation of the sense of balance