
"Readings – developing the communication competences of AAC users through peer reading"

The assumption of pedagogical innovation within alternative and supportive communication (AAC) is a multidirectional impact on the child in order to increase his communicative competences. The aim of the authors of the innovation is to improve the communication skills of participants by creating situations in which non-speaking students would have the opportunity to increase their self-esteem, self-confidence and break down barriers and stereotypes about non-speakers. In the consciousness of the extracurricular environment, there is a belief that only people who know the letters can read. Through this innovation, we want to change this stereotype and show that non-speaking people who do not have letter reading skills can read actively.
Specific objectives:

  • consolidation of already known Makaton and PCS/Mówik gestures and symbols
  • introduction of new gestures and symbols Makaton and PCS/Mówik
  • equipping students with communication tools
  • developing students' social skills
  • developing ways and schemes of activities conducive to the development of students' communication skills
  • building a common field of attention,
  • developing alternation of actions
  • giving the child the opportunity to be the perpetrator of the situation
  • providing a natural context for the use of symbols used for alternative and supportive communication
  • developing communication functions: asking, refusing, asking questions, commenting,
  • learning new concepts, enriching knowledge
  • building motivation to learn to read
  • Introduction to the rules of dialogue – alternation
  • expanding the resources of the children's dictionary with new thematic categories
  • shaping the ability to build expressions cooperation with the institution – Kindergarten No. 5 in Wieliczka in order to overcome barriers and stereotypes about non-speakers and integration of students with the local environment

Participatory reading, otherwise known as "active reading", is nothing more than reading aloud a text with children's linguistic involvement. The child repeats a fixed fragment of the text that appears in the booklet, like a chorus in a song, and depending on his psychomotor abilities, repeats this fragment independently or uses the communicator on which a fragment of the text was recorded earlier.

The innovation provides for learning the practical application of AAC through the training of social skills in the local environment, using high-tech devices.

The participants of the innovation are students of the School Complex. Brother Alojzy Kosiba in Wieliczka, using alternative and supportive communication.

Participatory reading classes take place in the school library and in the Local Government Kindergarten No. 5 in Wieliczka.

Lecturers: Marta Paczka, Agnieszka Cichoń, Dorota Stachowicz, Katarzyna Słowiak, Justyna Pawelec, Joanna Szostak, Katarzyna Socha.