Castillo Morales method

The concept of regulatory therapy developed by Professor Castillo Morales consists of three parts:
1). Developmental neuromotor therapy for children
with statomotor delay, myelomeningocele and peripheral paresis.
2). Oral-facial regulatory therapy recommended for people with senso-
-motorometric in the face, mouth and throat, especially for the treatment of sucking, chewing, swallowing and speech disorders.
3). Orthodontic treatment, e.g. palatine plates, which complements oral-facial regulatory therapy.
In this article, part 2 – oral-facial regulatory therapy will be approximated.
The program is intended, for people with:
-facial asymmetry,
-cerebral palsy,
-autism, mutism, aphasia,
-difficulty breathing, swallowing, sucking, chewing, tongue protruding, excessive salivation,
-incorrect jaw and jaw position.
The effects of regular use of the method are:
closure of the oral cavity,
-positioning of the jaw relative to the mandible,
-retraction and raising the tongue,
-normalization of muscle tension of the tongue, lips, palate,
-inhibiting or reducing excessive salivation,
-activation or improvement of food functions such as sucking, swallowing, biting, chewing,
-improvement of respiratory functions,
-improvement of articulation,
-improvement of physiognomy.
During therapy, the child lies on his back with his back with his head stabilized between the therapist's legs. Motor silence begins preliminary exercises. One hand of the therapist lies under the child's occiput, the other on the chest, slightly pressing it. Then the massager stretches the patient's neck, tilting his head back and forth.
The next step is to stimulate the neuromotor points of the face (shown in the illustration below). One hand holds the occiput area, the other stimulates: the point of the bottom of the mouth, the point of the chin, the point of the upper lip and the point of the plaque. Then it goes to even points (simultaneously on the left and right): points of the angle of the eye, points of the wings of the nose, points of the angle of the mouth, points of the rumen. Each point should be stimulated for a few seconds by light pressure, vibration, stretching, kneading, stroking.


1. Nose plaice point
2. Eye angle point
3. Point of the wing of the nose
4. Point of the upper lip
5. Mouth angle point
6. chin point
7. Oral floor point
Elements of the Castillo Morales method are very often used during rehabilitation-and-education classes in students of our school. In the photographs below we present to readers Madzia, who bravely undergoes a massage.





Sadowska L., Neurophysiological methods of rehabilitation of children with developmental disorders, Impuls, Kraków 2006
Kielin J., Development gives joy, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk 2012